What is ForgingBlock? How does it work? Where does the cryptocurrency I’m sending go?

ForgingBlock is a network that allows retailers all over the world to accept completely decentralized crypto-currency payments.

How this works

  • We provide directions on how to transfer funds directly to the merchant anytime you decide to pay a vendor using cryptocurrency, and we track the blockchain for your transaction.
  • After detecting a legitimate invoice, we will inform the vendor on the payment has been made.

Where your cryptocurrency goes

All of ForgingBlock's enabled transfers are fully decentralized and peer-to-peer. That means the cryptocurrency goes straight from your wallet to a wallet accessible only by the merchant. No-one besides the seller has access to these funds at any stage in this process.

How do I go about getting a refund? Can ForgingBlock help me with this?

Please contact the merchant directly if you want a refund.

All Cryptocurrency transfers are direct peer-to-peer payments from the network to the merchant. This means that after a payment is made, ForgingBlock cannot withdraw the exchange or reclaim funds on your behalf. As a result, we are unable to settle any payment conflicts, because the ledger secures the transfer and is permanent.

I haven’t received the item I purchased. What can I do?

Please contact the merchant directly about any issues with your order or for an update on the status of your order.

All Cryptocurrency transfers are direct peer-to-peer payments from the network to the merchant. This means that after a payment is made, ForgingBlock cannot withdraw the exchange or reclaim funds on your behalf. As a result, we are unable to settle any payment conflicts, because the ledger secures the transfers and is permanent.

What happens if I pay with a different currency than the one I select during checkout?

If, during checkout, a consumer transfers a currency to an account connected with another currency (e.g. BSV sent to a BCH account, or SAI sent to a DAI address), our code does not identify the transfer and the retailer will not be able to reach such funds from the ForgingBlock Dashboard.

Why does my receipt say that I overpaid or underpaid an order? What should I do?

ForgingBlock records payment sums in units of the cryptocurrency. An overpayment or underpayment means that we have observed an amount greater or less than we expected – the wallet uses a slightly different exchange rate than ForgingBlock is the most likely explanation for this event.

Please contact the retailer personally to address this problem – the retailer may ask you to make up the missing sum in the event of an underpayment, reimburse you for the excess amount in the event of an overpayment, or reimburse you entirely and ask you to complete the transaction again. To help the merchant track down your fee, we recommend that you provide your receipt code.

Why does my receipt say that I have made multiple payments? What should I do?

ForgingBlock aims for a single blockchain transaction for each order, however, if your order shows more than one transaction, rest assured that all of the funds you sent are securely in the pocket of the retailer.

Please email the retailer personally to fix this problem – if the overall sum of the bill is correct, the vendor can handle this remotely from their website. To help the merchant track down your fee, we recommend that you provide your receipt code.

Why does my receipt say that I have made a delayed payment? What should I do?

ForgingBlock tracks the network for transfers to the network address that we present to you for 60 minutes. If we detect a payment outside this range, it will be called overdue.

To fix this problem, please email the retailer directly – the retailer will manually handle this from their website and take whatever measures are required to ensure that your order is met. To help the merchant track down your fee, we recommend that you provide your receipt code.

Who uses ForgingBlock?

Any merchant who wants to accept cryptocurrencies as a payment method will benefit from using ForgingBlock. In addition, merchants can use ForgingBlock to manage all of their cryptocurrencies in a single wallet.

What are the benefits of using ForgingBlock?

Merchants who use ForgingBlock will expand their market to include customers who prefer to pay with cryptocurrency, often bypassing currency restrictions for international transactions!

Are there any additional fees to use ForgingBlock API?

Currently we do not charge any additional fees for using ForgingBlock API.

How do I create a Bitcoin address?

We suggest you use Electrum Bitcoin wallet for full control of your assets.

Does ForgingBlock ever need my private key?

No. ForgingBlock never requires your master private key for on-chain transactions. This ensures your funds from blockchain transactions are always secured.

Questions? Look here.

For Customers For Merchants